Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Major League Ultimate's Rule Changes

The baseball purists have been out in full swing this year, crying out about the addition of instant replay and the Posey Rule. Even Football purists, though fewer, have been vocal about their displeasure with a change to the extra point. But there are another group of purists out there that are joining the ranks. Ultimate fans.

Ultimate is a sport with a great deal of unwritten rules. The concept is simple enough. Throw the disc, catch the disc, don't walk with the disc, and catch the disc in the end zone. Call your own fouls on the honor system with observers. Simple! Just a few unwritten rules, until the game went professional and the rules got written down.

After Major League Ultimate's first season, there have been a slew of rule changes (which you can read about here). And as much as I want the extra point to stay the same and I don't understand the finer points of the Posey rule, I applaud the changes MLU is making.

It only makes sense for a league in its first year to take a good hard look at the way they do things. It shows a great deal of sense and level headedness to admit you didn't do everything 100% correct. You have to look at what you're doing and decide if it makes sense, both for the game and for your particular corner of the game as well.

Some purists may cry foul; Major League Ultimate has made some small changes to the game overall that people haven't been happy with, and now this? It's a total disregard for the sport!

I disagree. I think it shows a great respect for the sport. When you look at how you're doing things and decide there's a better way to do them, that there's a better way to showcase your sport, that's common sense. When you decide to act on them and make your corner of the sport better? Only someone who loves the game would do that.

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