Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fixing Instant Replay...Already


It's 2014 and the ancient and noble game of Baseball has done what pretty much everyone born after 1980 wanted it to. Integrate instant replay into the game.

And now, three weeks into the season, pretty much everybody is super complainy about it.

Here's the thing. It's new. It's good that it's here and it is going to do more help than hurt eventually. There are some inherent problems in that the umps probably don't want to overturn calls they just made (especially when they're still sore about losing some of their emperor-ship) and the managers just use it to slow down the game for one reason or another.

And that is the key. It's too slow. Replay works in the NFL because you have to decide whether or not to challenge in the blink of an eye. Especially if a teams on defense and the offense is ready to snap away a challenge opportunity for their opponents.

So here is the answer. You know when you go to buy event tickets online and the computers all like, "These seats are reserved for you for the next 3 minutes". Isn't that annoying? Like seriously you can hold those tickets a little bit longer! Stop creating false rarity!

Anyway! That's what you do with all the replay footage in Baseball. Let the managers know "This review is available to you for the next 15 seconds, after which, it will be erased forever." It will solve two problems! The efficiency of managers making challenge calls, and the over buildup of footage stored at MLB headquarters. I mean keeping baseball games dating back to 1880 has to lead to a huge hard drive bill.

The point is, replay is a good thing. And it's finally happened. It's going to take some getting used to and it's going to take some fixing as we go. It's only been three weeks people. Give replay a chance.

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