Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Changing the MLB Post-Season: For the Better?

Thanks to the quick working of the MLB litigators, baseball has become the model of labor peace in the sports world. The deal, which will go through the 2016 season, will mark 21 years since the '94-'95 strike. Parts of this deal speak to conditions of HGH testing, the All-star game and even tobacco use.


The issue of tobacco doesn't go far enough for some people. HGH testing still has its kinks to be worked out. And people still couldn't care less about the All-Star game (though hopefully this will be a step in the right direction). Really, the part of this deal that means the most both in terms of popularity and practicality (besides the expansion of instant replay, I'll talk about that in a different post) is a clause I didn't mention: The 2nd Wild Card Team.

Monday, November 7, 2011

ESPN High School: What they would have been.

This year, the book, ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun, was released. I haven't read it because it's bigger then my head, but I couldn't agree with the premise more. They always look like they're having so much fun. And it reminds me of the most fun days of my life: High School. Me and my friends would have had a blast with some of these guys and gave some good swirlies to some other ones. But if ESPN was one big High would everybody fit in?

Might as well start from the top with

The Principal

Bob Ley

Look at him. So authoritative. He knows this school better then the back of his hand. He's probably interviewed every new student and approved of them too. He's done his time as a student but now he's taking a break. He still does some work every now and then but all in all he's just running the show. Bravo Principal Bob.

The Assistant Principal - Head of discipline

Chris "Boomer" Berman

He might seem like a guy you could have fun with and he definitely is! But he also means business. Hope you don't mind getting yelled at pansy freshman, because this guy can do some yelling! What?! You better watch your tone John Buccigross! You! Might! Go! All! The! Way! To the principal’s office!